
Linear feedback shift registers
Linear feedback shift registers

Key Establishment and Authentication Systems: Needham-Schroeder, Kerberos, Public Key Infrastructure, Password Systems and Unix Salt.Secret Sharing Schemes: Secret splitting, Threshold schemes.Digital Signatures: RSA signatures, ElGamal signatures, Hash functions (MD5 and SHA), Birthday attacks.Public Key Cryptography: RSA algorithm, Primality testing, Factoring, Public Key Cryptosystems.Symmetric Encryption: A simplified DES-type algorithm, DES, Modes of operation, Breaking DES, Rijndael (AES).Number Theory: Modular arithmetic, Modular exponentiation, Fermat and Euler theorem.Classical Cryptosystems: Shift ciphers, Affine cipher, Vigenere Cipher, One-time pads, linear feedback shift registers.Course catalog description: Classical cryptosystems, modular arithmetic, modular exponentiation, Fermat and Euler theorem, DES, modes of operation for block ciphers, breaking DES, Rijndael, public key cryptography, primality and prime testing, secret sharing schemes, Needham-Schroeder, Kerberos, public key infrastructure, password systems, information theoretic security, and applications to network security.Ĭredits and contact hours: 3 credits 1 hour and 20-minute session twice a week, every week

Linear feedback shift registers